The Grand’s Feedback Method

Giving feedback is an act of trust and confidence. When done well it can deepen your relationship with your colleague and enable your team to realize their potential.

First, we’ll help you figure out exactly what to say by creating a script using the SBIO framework (Situation, Behavior, Impact, Opportunity). From there we’ll help you deliver feedback in the right context.

let's get started!



I have some feedback about the

that took place on

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I noticed that

What type of feedback do you want to give on their behavior?


Instead of "positive" or "negative," we suggest using words that better suit feedback's purpose and intention. 

Reinforcing feedback helps someone become more aware of a productive behavior.
Developmental feedback helps someone notice an opportunity to improve a specific behavior.

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As a result,

How did it feel for you?

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There's an opportunity here to

How can I encourage you in this area?

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Here's what you can say, give it a try:

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Next, we'll send you this script and a step-by-step guide for delivering feedback in the right context.

We'll email you soon to help you get ready for a feedback conversation.

Thank you!

Now that you know how to give meaningful feedback, we encourage you to share this tool with your team so you can receive meaningful feedback too!

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